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Don Martin Refuses Debate Challenge on Divorce and Remarriage

Below is an exchange that took place on a religious discussion list between Robert Waters and Don Martin, who both claim to be ready and willing to defend their positions on Bible issues. In this discussion, Don refuses to debate the divorce and remarriage issue. The reason Martin gives for his refusal to debate Waters is documented below. But it is interesting that later, on another issue, Martin did in fact debate Waters (in the same forum) and because of positive comments he made about Waters’ performance and candor he can no longer give the same excuse for not debating Waters on MDR. And so we are left to wonder what the real reason is that Don Martin continues to refuse to debate Waters on the propositions (listed below) that relate to the highly controversial divorce and marriage issue.

A. I Stand Ready (Article by Waters where the debate challenge was made.)

B. Waters’ follow up after Martin’s Response

C. Debate with Martin on whether Schools and Foundations have a right to exist.