Preparation for Marriage

prepared by Robert Waters from numerous sources

   I. Marriage is honorable and recommended in both the Old and N.T.
Gen. 2:24 - "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."
Heb. 13:4 - "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."
A. It is not demanded, but God said that it is "Not good that man should be alone." 1. Paul, who was slanderously reported by some to be opposed to marriage, said:
"I will, therefore, that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully." (I Tim. 5:14)
2. Before a man can serve the Lord as an elder or deacon he must be married. a. This stipulation the Lord made. b. The Lord then, thinks it is good. B. Celibacy is not the better state. 1.
Prov. 18:22 - "Whosoever findeth a wife findeth a good thing and findeth favor of the Lord."
2. Prov. 31 tells us the price of a good wife is far above rubies. II. You've Heard it said, The Home is the Backbone of a Country. A. When the home breaks down the country breaks down. B. A new home begins when two people of the opposite sex marry and live together. 1. When they separate or divorce, the home is broken. 2. Well over 1/2 of the marriages today in U.S. end in divorce. C. Our nation is looked upon by other nations as a "Christian nation". 1. It is true that the influence of Christianity has been greatly responsible for the building of our great country. 2. The principles of honesty, morality, and justice were written into our constitution by great men who believed the Bible. 3. But with the increase in immorality, divorces and sin of all kind, we are looking less and less like a nation of disciples of Christ. D. When this vital unit of society (the home) breaks down, the children are not likely to be taught honesty, morality, justice and other virtues which are necessary for happy and meaningful lives. III. When we think about the number of divorces, we are made to wonder, "Why are there so many divorces in our country?" A. Most divorces were almost inevitable from the beginning because one or both were not prepared for it. B. To many marriage is just something that you can try, and if it doesn't work with one person you can divorce and try it with another. 1. Some give no consideration to what God has said about it. 2. Some, especially among the movie stars, are married and divorced many times. 3. There are some though, who respect God's law on marriage and have every intention of staying together, but after being married a few months they realize that they made a mistake, or maybe only one realizes that he or she made a mistake. a. This happens frequently because they were not prepared for marriage. b. Preparation for marriage should be taught in the home, church, and school by qualified teachers. 1) I'm not talking about teaching "sex ed." 2) There were big problems when schools started that several years ago. 3) And since it was called sex ed. most parents thought that sex was what they were teaching - not so, at least not in the since that they thought. a) Sex ed. and prep. for marriage is really same thing. b) But with that name it was doomed from the start. c) Some schools still have some classes but call it something else. c. When young people don't learn from qualified teachers how to prepare for marriage (be it book, parents, classroom), they will likely not be prepared when they marry and good chance it won't last. d. The fact that there are so many preg. outside of marriage, and so many babies with only mothers to take care of them, and so many divorces, is clear evidence that there needs to be more teaching in this area anywhere we can get it. e. Read humorous article from church bulletin: (Author -Bobby Witherington) Consider What you are Getting Into "A man telephoned his wife, "I'd like to bring Bill home to dinner tonight." She screamed, "To dinner tonight! You idiot, you know that the cook just left, I've got a cold, baby's cutting his teeth, the furnace is broken and the butcher won't give any more credit until we pay up..." Quietly the husband interrupted, "I know. That's why I want to bring him. The poor fool is thinking of getting married." "This article is not primarily about marriage. And it is certainly not intended to refute God's observation that "It is not good that the man should be alone..." (Gen. 2:18). Marriage can be the happiest relationship this side of heaven. Or it can be the most miserable state this side of hell. It depends on the character and conduct of those who enter the relationship. Of course, for those contemplating marriage we do recommend that they first consider what they are getting into - not only with reference to the blessings to be enjoyed, but also the responsibilities to be born. The former cannot long continue without the latter."


I. Besides obeying the gospel, who a person marries (if he marries) is the most important decision in life. A. This is true because of the intimacy of the relationship, because of the potentials of happiness or sorrow involved, and because the one you marry will have a great influence in your spiritual preparation for eternity. B. Illustration: Black man didn't have the money to pay the preacher to perform the ceremony so he offered him a possum. Preacher later asked, "How is the marriage?" The black man said, "Well, sometimes I wished I et that possum." 1. It is not uncommon for people with good marriages to think that way at some point in their marriage. 2. But many have married without having prepared for it and consequently have found themselves in an unfortunate situation. C. God gave the instinct to mate but you must learn how to marry prepare for it! 1. Many people spend hundreds and even thousands of hours preparing themselves for a profession, yet they enter marriage without opening a book. 2. They sign name to most important contract...without seeking advise of a professional, whether from book or visit. 3. It may be that they think that since their mother said, "Be sure you love the one you choose to marry", that they know enough. a. Many times parents don't even teach that much. b. This is why we hear of marriages that take place on Friday being "on the rocks" on Monday. c. You don't have to wait for someone to teach you – you can learn on your own. 1) I didn't even know there were books on this subject until a friend in high school in study hall read a profound statement from one, which got me to thinking and studying. 2) He is a doctor now. II. How Can One Be Sure That The One He Or She Is Contemplating Marrying Is The "Right Person." (Some say, "you can't) May be true… A. There are some simple guidelines that can be followed which will help in choosing a mate that will most likely be a good companion. 1. First of all, don't think that you are going to find that "one and only"; there are very likely many who would make you a good ..... 2. Don't be too hasty though. a. Important decisions should not be made in haste. b. When two people think they can't wait, at least a reasonable length of time, they are not mature and most likely they are infatuated and not in love. (We'll talk more...) 3. Marry someone with a background similar to your own: a. Educational, economic, social, racial, and religious. b. All are important. 4. Marry someone with similar ideals and goals. a. One may have been baptized but not really share your ideals and goals as a Christian. b. Don't be fooled, some have been baptized just to get the one they wanted. c. What type of home do you want? are you truly a Christian with a special desire to please God and to succeed spiritually? if so, you will look for a companion with the same ideals. 5. Marry someone with basic skills. a. A happy marriage is not an accident. 1) It is the result of plenty of hard work. 2) It is an achievement. 3) "It is built day by day by a thousand little things that are prompted by love." b. By skills we mean such things as home management, the making and spending of money, the care of children, planning & cooking meals, and keeping house. c. Outside the home, the man in particular, must be able to earn a income. 1) There are some fearful resp. that come with marriage, so it is evident that one is not prepared for marriage until that one is prepared to meet those responsibilities. 2)
I Tim. 5:8 "But if any provide not for his own, and esp. for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."
3) Some, however, put too much emphasis on providing and spend most of their time working and neglect the home. 4) There are many other things nec. to a happy home besides the physical things. 6. Marry someone in the church. a. Before you make up your mind to marry, it would be wise to talk with a marriage counselor. 1) Among other things, he/she will ask you, "Are you two of the same religious faith?" 2) Sociologists and psychologists call marriages between people of different faiths "mixed marriages". 3) They have provided statistics to show the great danger involved in such marriages. b. Statistics are against you if you marry someone out of the church. c. Common sense tells us that the more we have in common with the person we marry the greater the chance that the marriage will be a happy and lasting one. 1) If you marry someone of a different faith - at least 2 times a week there is going to be a conflict. i. You'll go one place, he'll go another, if at all; and the situation will only be further complicated when children come. 2) Speaking of children, we are commanded to "Bring them up in the nurture..." i. Such is difficult enough when both parents are working together. ii. Do you think you would be strong enough and influential enough to do it with a husband or wife working against you? d. May we suggest that if you should fall in love with someone who is not of the same faith, wait awhile. 1) Wait until you have had time to face the facts squarely, take time to study your Bible. 2) Study your Bible together to see what God says and let that be what both of you accept. 3) Marry in the church - not just someone that has been baptized, but a faithful Christian. e. Why do I say this? 1) Because I've seen the anguish, the tragedy, the heartaches, and sorrow that has followed all too often from the other course. 2) When a Christian marries...there is always that barrier between them and all to often the church is forgotten. f. I knew a girl who thought she had a solution to her problem. 1) Couldn't convert her boyfriend so she got him to promise that he would go to church with her after marriage. 2) After married he went one time - kept his promise. 3) If you can't convert friend while dating don't think that it will be easier after marriage. B. There is no way that you can be 100% certain that a particular person will make a good husband or wife for you. 1. But by following these guidelines, which are agreed upon by most sociologists and psychologists, you can enter marriage with confidence because statistics will be in your favor. 2. Listen to parents and friends - sometimes they can see things you cannot. 3. Study how to prepare for marriage because who you marry may well determine whether you spend the rest of your life happy or miserable, and it may affect where you are in eternity, and children to come. a. Study this subject in light of what the Bible teaches and trust the Lord who knows best - seek His help. 1) If we will obey what the Lord has revealed we will most likely have a happy home which will contribute much toward our spiritual success. 2) If we disobey, we not only sin against God but we will likely suffer on earth for the mistake. b. If young and unmarried, you would find it profitable and interesting to read some books on dating and marriage. C. If you are not married and not interested in preparing for marriage, we hope that you are not interested in marriage or dating because you are not mature enough to accept the responsibilities. D. Courtship and marriage is certainly not a game! 1. Sex is good and God approves, but the activities that we can engage in during courtship are limited by God's word. 2. Those who love and respect God will know these limits and keep within them. III. Love Is An Art A. It is not enough to set back and wait to get lucky and "fall in love". B. Instead, we must spend time learning what love is and what it means to our lives. 1. It takes real effort. 2. It is something that must be worked at. C. There have been many attempts at defining love. 1. The word has so many meanings as a result of using it incorrectly that it is almost meaningless. 2. "I love you" is not something that a girl or boy should say after only a few dates. a. To do so would likely show that he or she doesn't really know the meaning of love. b. Love has been defined as: "Warm attachment, enthusiasm or devotion, unselfish concern that freely accepts another in loyalty and seeks his good." 1) Those who are selfish it seems are incapable of loving another. 2) However, one can learn to overcome this undesirable trait. D. Learning to love is preparation for marriage and it involves a number of things that have to be learned such as: 1. Giving or sharing - a quality of unselfishness. 2. Closeness - comes about through openness and honesty, resulting in getting to know and like oneanother. 3. Trust - a necessity to a happy marriage. a. You gain trust as a result of your consistent record of being faithful and honest. b. Many a home has been reduced to shambles because of lack of trust. c. Be trustworthy yourself, and learn to trust those who are worthy of your trust. [learning to love involves:] 4. Responsibility must be learned. a. You learn to be resp. when you learn to handle resp. 1) Your first resp. may have been something like washing the dishes or carrying out the garbage. 2) Then, came resp of learning - at school and church. 3) Those who do well in these areas will likely be resp. when they are old enough to marry. b. Many marriages have failed because the husband was not responsible enough to hold a steady job or because the wife was not responsible enough to live with their means. 1) Often you see adds in paper saying, "I will not be resp. for any debts other than my own." 2) Men have to do this sometimes when their wives are not responsible enough to be allowed credit (Vice versa) 5. Respect - is something that you must learn how to obtain. a. Respect is earned, not gained by demanding it. b. Parents gain respect of their children by being fair, honest, moral, consistent, and firm. c. Respect is gained from others in the same way. d. It is most important that young men and ladies keep the respect of those who they date. e. The surest way for a young lady to loose her boyfriend and lesson her chances of getting another (worth his salt) is to lose his respect. 1) How? by being too friendly - too well acquainted. 2) Girls, tell your boyfriends that you believe that sex before marriage is wrong and will cause disrespect, and if he really cares, and is a decent guy, you will not loose him. 3) The finest young men always look for girls that have kept the respect of those who they date. i. Rest assured, word gets around. 4)
Prov. 22:1 "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches".
5) A good name is part of preparation for marriage. a) To have a good name you must keep the respect of those you date. b) Loose the respect of those you date and you loose your good name. c) To keep respect you may have to say NO. i. You may even have to break up, at least temporarily. IV. Dating is an Important Part of Preparation for Marriage. A. The more you date the greater the chance of finding a good mate. 1. Those who date only a few often wish they had dated more when the time comes for making a choice. 2. Steady dating has its advantages and is even nec. to get to know someone well enough to consider marriage. a. But for the very young (14-16) it often leads to hardships and regret. b. "Breaking up" can be the hardest thing you ever did when you feel like you are in love, but sometimes it is for the good. 1) Breaking up doesn't have to mean, "we're through" though. 2) If the qualities are there that make for a lasting relationship, the relationship can well be resumed when both are older. B. The purpose of dating is not just to have fun, but also to get to know your date. 1. Many date solely for the purpose of having a good time. a. There is certainly nothing wrong with having a good time. b. But it is too often the case that the activities engaged in result in tragedy and hardship. c. Dating sometimes results in tragedy because of: 1) Dating too early. 2) Going steady too early. 3) Quality of the dates: where they go - dancing, hard rock concerts, sexually explicit movies. 4) And parents not placing any restrictions on where they go and when they must be home. Illust. d. Did you ever hear how "spooning" got it name. 1) In Wales when a young man came courting a girl, the father gave the young man some wood that he was to whittle spoons out of when they were together alone. If no progress on the spoons, making progress where shouldn't be. 2) The parents didn't do that because they thought their children were bad. i. They did it because they knew that what is commonly called "petting" or "fooling around" is not courtship and would likely lead to infatuation, which is a false sense of love, which often leads to an unhappy marriage. e. Many do not see any harm in petting, but if you believe it remember the saying, "One things leads to another". 1) There comes a time when the body takes over the mind. 2) The mind says, "this is wrong", but the body says, "I don't care", and you go on against your judgment, against the law of God. 3) It is extremely difficult to stop because you have set up a succession which few can break, and that God never intended to be broken: because it is for married people only, and when they start it they have a right to finish it. i. It was a wise man who said, "Don't start something you can't finish."
2 Tim. 2:2 - "Flee also youthful lusts."
2. Have fun on your dates, but let the primary reason of being together be to get to know one another. a. Talk! Talk about everything b. If you don't know what to talk about or what things to do on dates which will help in getting to know one another, read a book or two on dating. i. They will probably have some good suggestions and you will find it enjoyable and well worth your time. V. A Man and woman who come to love one another have found something that is great - whereas the man and woman who are infatuated with each other merely think that they have found something great, but there is a great difference in infatuation and love. A. I want to read to you something about how to tell the difference in infatuation and love from a book called, "Love Courtship and Marriage". IS IT LOVE-OR INFATUATION? "Here is a young lady, madly in love with two boys. One is on the basketball team, and the other a young fellow in the a capella chorus. She does not know which she loves and wants someone to help her decide. Tests proved that she was not in love with either man- she simply had a double infatuation. How can you tell love from infatuation? Dr. Henry Bowman offers these points of distinction: Infatuation may come suddenly but love takes time. Infatuation can be based on one or two traits (usually including sexual) whereas love is based on many traits. Infatuation produces feelings of insecurity and wishful thinking whereas love produces a sense of security. In infatuation the person is in "love" with love, whereas in real love the person is in love with another person. In infatuation the other person is thought of as a separate entity and employed for self-gratification. In real love there is a feeling of identity with the other person. In infatuation you suffer loss of ambition, appetite, etc., whereas in love you work and plan to please the other person. The physical element is much more important in infatuation than in love. Infatuation may change quickly, but love lasts. In general you can be surer that it is really love if it has developed over a period of time rather than if it comes all of a sudden." B. America places a great value on "romance" between a man and a woman (before marriage). 1. I hate to go against custom, but did you know that the Chinese who have never had that romance between the parties before marriage, have had a far more stable civilization that ours and their families have been stronger knit than ours. 2. Why? One reason is because they were never together physically, and there wasn't any possibility of going wrong because of physical passion. a. Parents united them according to background, culture, education etc., and strangely enough, many times their parents made a better match for the son or daughter than we seem to do through personal choice. b. The Chinese have a proverb about such things. 1) They say that romantic love without these affinities of mind and soul is like a hot kettle on a cold stove; it will grow cold: 2) But, the affinity of the mind and soul without the romantic love is like a cold kettle on a hot stove, it will warm up! 3) In other words, romance can come after marriage if the qualities are there. C. This thing called "romance" is dangerous for the unmarried. 1. Someone says, "Oh, it isn't either, my parents did it and they didn't get hurt". 2. Would you say war isn't dangerous because your brother didn't get killed? a. A lot of people's brother did. b. What happens in isolated cases is no proof. 3. I'm not saying that you shouldn't show any affection toward your date, if you don't, he or she might think something is wrong with you. 4. What I'm saying is, don't get too physical when dating, it is best to keep your relationship intellectual. a. Will save a lot of heartaches.


I. Young people, there is nothing so tragic as to engage in physical activities which will make you think that you are in love when you are not, and you get married and find out that you are not in love, you are not suited for each other. A. It is a tragic thing. B. This is why I preach as strongly and as forcefully as I can, "Prepare for Marriage".

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