In Search of the Golden Rule

Matthew 7:7-12

Based on a sermon by Al Maxey
Outlined by Robert Waters


A. Jesus stressed strong interpersonal relationships .... strong, healthy, loving relationships .... both with God and with our fellow men. 1. He taught that the foremost commandments of God were to love the Lord and to love our neighbor with all of our being. 2. Indeed, this summed up and fulfilled and was the focus of the entire Law and the writings of the inspired prophets. B. Jesus desires us to be at peace .... both vertically and horizontally .... and to do that we must have genuine love for one another .... and SHOW it. 1. This is the basic premise --displayed love; love in action -- for our Lord's principle, given to us in the Sermon on the Mount, which has come to be known as "The Golden Rule." "Therefore, do unto others as you would have them do unto you; for this is the Law and the Prophets" (Matt. 7:12 ..... repeated in Luke 6:31). 2. That seems a pretty clear, straight forward teaching, doesn't it? a. The "golden rule" is really not all that complex .... not that difficult to understand. b. Even a child can easily comprehend the thought our Lord conveys here. 1) But, as with many things which are beautiful in their simplicity, man has a tendency to make them complex .... or, even worse:to alter or reshape them into something different; something more in tune with their own way of thinking or behaving. 2) Such has been done with the Lord's golden rule. a) Men have added or subtracted words, or changed the construction of the phrase in such a way that the meaning is drastically altered. b) Thus, that which was "golden" has been turned into something of far less value. C. We will begin a search for the golden rule --- a "quest for the gold" (to use Olympic terminology). 1. But to find it we must sort though the various twists and modifications, which men have thrust upon this divine principle. 2. Specifically, we will examine three major modifications which must be cast aside in our search for that which is genuine and precious.


I. THE IRON RULE A. "Whatsoever you would NOT have men do unto you, DO ye unto them!" 1. This is the rule of the iron fist .... the heavy hand. a. It is based on the principle:might makes right!It is the rule of those who can dish it out, but who rarely can take it. b. It declares, "I wouldn't want to be treated this way, but that is how I'm going to treat YOU." 2. In some ways it is also a very cynical rule. a. It often assumes others are bad .... that they have evil intentions and motivations .... that they are "out to get" you, so the solution is:get them first!! b. "Do unto others, BEFORE they do unto you." 1) This is the rule of the murderer .... the school bully .... the tyrant .... the spouse abuser. 2) It is the rule of the thief and the cheat .... of the back-biter, slanderer and gossip. 3) It is the philosophy of "hit 'em hard, and hit 'em first." a) Militarily we might refer to this as "the first strike option."b)But, is this how our Lord would have us relate to one another?! c. Are we to be cynical of our neighbors? 1) Are we to question the motives of our brethren to such a degree that we would feel compelled to operate under the "iron rule"? --- "Get THEM before they get ME!" 2) When we expect the worst from one another; when we see only a brother's faults and failings and weaknesses; we will probably fall into this pattern of thinking: the best defense is a good offense .... and we'll attack! B. Living by the philosophy of the "iron rule" is a selfish way of life .... it is a SELF-centered existence .... and it leads to misery, both for yourself and for others. 1. By raising an iron fist, rather than extending the hand of fellowship, we *destroy* relationships! 2. In order to find the "golden" rule, we're going to have to lay aside this one fashioned by man out of iron. II.THE MERCURY RULE A. Another rule of man which falls well below the precious nature of our Lord's rule is: "Whatsoever men do unto you, do also unto them." 1. This rule is characterized as the "mercury" rule because it works somewhat like a thermometer. a. One's actions or reactions are determined by the conduct of others. 1) One either ascends or descends to the level of the people with whom they come into contact. 2) One either lifts themselves or lowers themselves to their level. b. If they treat you well, then you treat them well. c. If they treat you badly, then you treat them badly. 1) Their degree of warmth or coldness toward you determines your degree of warmth or coldness toward them. 2) The "mercury" rule -- "whatsoever men do unto you, do also unto them." 3) This is the rule of reciprocation or retaliation. 4) Others are treated exactly as they treat you ..... kindness for kindness, cruelty for cruelty, insult for insult. B. This eye-for-an-eye .... kindness-for-a-kindness .... mentality is common among men, but our Lord calls us to a higher rule.
Matthew 5:38-48 - “But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also.And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”
1. If we are ever going to find the "gold" we must lay aside those rules of lesser value. 2. Iron and mercury just don't measure up!!Our quest for the gold continues. III. THE SILVER RULE A. "Whatsoever you would NOT have men do unto you, even so do NOT do it unto them." 1. Now, this is a good rule. a. That is why it is characterized as "silver." b. But, just as silver isn't gold, so also does this rule fail to measure up to the quality of our Lord's precious rule. 1) The silver rule just does not go far enough. 2) It falls short of the golden rule; it's good, but it's not the best. 2. The silver rule forbids evil deeds. a. That is good, but, it does not require good deeds. 1) As long as I don't hurt you, I'm not required to help you. 2) I'll stay out of your way; you stay out of mine. 3) Neither of us will harm or hinder the other. 4) Keep away, and we'll get along just fine. "No harm; no foul." b. Again, this is good up to a point, but it simply does not promote any *positive* interaction between people .... it only forbids *negative* interaction. 1) Solid relationships really can't be built on a foundation that seeks only to avoid the negative. 2) Yes, ours would certainly be a better world if we would all strive to refrain from hurting one another. 3) But, that still falls short of the glorious world we would have if in addition we would all actively seek to *do good* to those about us. B. The silver rule is a good rule, but it stops short of the gold! IV.THE GOLDEN RULE A. The rule of our Lord is the GOLDEN rule .... all else must be cast aside as inferior if we are ever to discover the gold. 1. The IRON rule says "might makes right" -- the golden rule says "right makes might." a. Power lies in love, kindness and compassion .... in an extended hand, not a raised fist. 2. The MERCURY rule says we should render good for good, evil for evil .... I'll treat you just like you treat me, whereas the golden rule says display love to all, regardless of how they treat you. 3. The SILVER rule says "hurt no one", whereas the golden rule urges us to take the next step: a. Render loving aid to all. b. Don't just avoid the negative, pursue the positive! B. In the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10) the robbers followed the IRON rule. 1. They stripped the traveler, beat him and took his possessions by force. a. Then they left him for dead. b. The priest and the Levite followed the SILVER rule. 2. They didn't hurt the poor victim .... they didn't inflict any additional pain upon him ... but, neither did they do any good for him! 3. Only the Samaritan practiced the GOLDEN rule: "DO unto others, AS you would have THEM do unto YOU." a. He felt compassion, and he rendered aid. b. He pursued the positive. C. At the end of His parable, Jesus said,
"Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers' hands?"
The lawyer unto whom Jesus gave this parable said, "The one who showed mercy toward him." Jesus said to him, "GO and DO likewise."


I. Our Lord's rule of life is golden --- regardless of how WE are treated, regardless of how convenient or tempting it might be to do otherwise, WE SHOW LOVE, KINDNESS, COMPASSION toward others .... just as HE has toward US. II. When we live by THIS rule, our relationships with both God and man will be PRECIOUS indeed. Iron, mercury, and silver are not for us .....LET'S GO FOR THE GOLD!! III. Invitation A. If you are not a Christian, you should go for the gold in another sense. B. God promises a reward (heaven with streets of gold) to those who obey him. C. Present the plan of salvation.

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