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The Dangers of Using Methamphetamines

Would you knowingly swallow drain cleaner, battery acid or break fluid? Would you knowingly inject freon or acetone into your arm? These are just a few of the common toxic ingredients in meth.

People who are on meth will show one or more of the following signs:
1) Thin from weight loss;
2) Pale face;
3) High body temperature with excessive sweating from cooking their internal organs;
4) Dental decay with blackened or yellow teeth;
5) Body odor of glue or mayonnaise, and
6) Acne type sores from scratching.

The progression of meth use illustrated (30 months use):

Photographs of ravaged faces give only a hint to the damage meth does to the mind.  (It's 2 1/2, not 25 years in the picture above).


Because of the ingredients used in its manufacturing, there is a greater chance of suffering a heart attack, stroke or serious brain damage with meth than with other drugs.

Because meth is cheap and easy to make it has become a popular substitute for cocaine.

For every pound of meth cooked, five to six pounds of toxic waste are produced.

It takes from $5,000.00 to $20,000.00 to clean up a meth lab.

    Traditional Medicine